Bill Hao

The Breaking of Bread
April 30, 2023

The Breaking of Bread What does “breaking of bread” mean? According to Jewish custom, communal meals began with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God over a loaf of bread, which was then broken and given to the participants. This “breaking of bread” is a special rite with fraternal and religious significance. The Gospels tell us that Jesus “broke bread” with His disciples, especially at the Last Supper. On the night before He offered Himself as Sacrifice on the…

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2023-04-16 Bulletin

What is Faith? For Christians, what is faith? Faith is a personal adherence of man to God; i.e., a person has a relationship of attachment and commitment with God. At the same time, faith is a free assent to everything that God has revealed; i.e., a person approves and agrees freely with everything that God has revealed. (cf. CCC 150) For a Christian, faith means believing in Jesus Christ, the beloved Son of God — the One sent by God…

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2023-04-09 Bulletin

Happy Easter! The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ The story of the Resurrection of Christ is a real human experience; it is not a fairy tale where everyone suddenly lives happily ever after. Beginning with the original disciples of Christ, the story of Christ’s Resurrection lives on in the hearts and minds of Christians even today.   Who were the first doubters of the Resurrection of Christ? The faith of the disciples was drastically put to the test by their…

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Easter Season Liturgical Schedule

Apr 9, 2023 Easter Sunday 10:30 am CHINESE, 2:00 pm ENGLISH Apr 16, 2023 Divine Mercy Sunday 10:30 am CHINESE, 2:00 pm ENGLISH Apr 23, 2023 3rd Sunday of Easter 10:30 am CHINESE, 2:00 pm ENGLISH Apr 30, 2023 4th Sunday of Easter 10:30 am CHINESE, 2:00 pm ENGLISH May 7, 2023 5th Sunday of Easter 10:30 am CHINESE, 2:00 pm ENGLISH May 14, 2023 Feast of Our Lady of China 10:30 am CHINESE May 14, 2023 6th Sunday of…

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Understanding Faith
April 16, 2023

Understanding Faith For Christians, what is faith? Faith is a personal adherence of man to God; i.e., a person has a relationship of attachment and commitment with God. At the same time, faith is a free assent to everything that God has revealed; i.e., a person approves and agrees freely with everything that God has revealed. (cf. CCC 150) For a Christian, faith means believing in Jesus Christ, the beloved Son of God — the One sent by God the…

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Divine Mercy

The Divine Mercy of Christ In the 1930’s, a Polish nun named Maria Faustina Kowalska wrote a diary which communicated to the world the great message of God’s mercy and revealed the way of Christian perfection based on trust in God and on an attitude of mercy toward one’s neighbors. On April 30, 2000, the day when Sr. Faustina was canonized a saint, Pope John Paul II proclaimed the 2nd Sunday of Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday. God’s mercy has…

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Pray for the Church in China
May 23, 2023

Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us! On Tuesday, May 23, 2023, on the eve of the feast day of Our Lady, Help of Christians, Chinese Catholics from all over the United States will get together via ZOOM to pray for the Church in China. Please reserve this date in your calendars. Our participation shows our commitment that we are One Church and One Body in Christ. The prayer vigil starts at 8:00pm.  ZOOM LINK: Meeting ID: 857…

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2023-04-02 Bulletin

Redemption and Salvation What is Redemption? Redemption is the act in which Jesus Christ paid the price of His own sacrificial Death on the Cross in order to free mankind from the slavery of sin. In his epistle, St. Peter told the early Christians: “You were ransomed from your futile conduct not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ as of a spotless unblemished lamb.” (1Peter 1:18-19) By sending His own Son in…

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2023-03-26 Bulletin

Life and Death The Gospel account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead has several points of spiritual significance, here are three of them: Reference to the resurrection of the dead in the Old Testament can be found in the Book of Daniel: Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; some to everlasting life, others to reproach and everlasting disgrace (Dan 12:2). In Jesus’ time, the Jews were divided about the resurrection of the…

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Redemption and Salvation
April 2, 2023

Redemption and Salvation What is Redemption? Redemption is the act in which Jesus Christ paid the price of His own sacrificial Death on the Cross in order to free mankind from the slavery of sin. In his epistle, St. Peter told the early Christians: “You were ransomed from your futile conduct not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ as of a spotless unblemished lamb.” (1Peter 1:18-19) By sending His own Son in…

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