Bill Hao

2023-05-14 Bulletin

The Sending of the Holy Spirit      Jesus said to His disciples, “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it.  But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you.” (John 14:16-17)  “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name — He will teach you everything and…

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2023-05-07 Bulletin

The Way of Christ  Jesus said to His disciples, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) What does it mean that Jesus is the Way? The disciples of Christ were first called Christians at Antioch (cf. Acts 11:26); back then and now, to be called a Christian meant that one is a follower of Christ. But even before the term “Christian” was used, the followers of…

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Our Lady of China
May 14, 2023

The day before Mother’s Day is the feast day of Our Lady of China, the name given to Mary when she appeared to God’s beloved children in Donglu, China in 1900: “…A woman in white appeared above the settlement, and the rioters’ bullets were aimed at her. When the apparition did not fade, attackers had not even time to reorganize because a strange horseman put them to flight.” The Mother of Christ appeared in China showing herself as the protector…

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The Sending of the Holy Spirit
May 14, 2023   

The Sending of the Holy Spirit    Scripture Passages Jesus said to His disciples, “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it.  But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you.” (John 14:16-17)  “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name — He will teach you…

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2023-04-30 Bulletin

The Good Shepherd’s Flock Why did Jesus say that He is the Good Shepherd in John 10? John 10 is a continuation of John 9; therefore, Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees who spoke against Him after He cured the man born blind on a Sabbath. Jesus likens the Pharisees as thieves and robbers – those who do not enter the sheepfold through the gate, but climb over to get to the sheep; they also come only to steal and…

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2023-04-23 Bulletin

The Breaking of Bread What does “breaking of bread” mean? According to Jewish custom, communal meals began with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God over a loaf of bread, which was then broken and given to the participants. This “breaking of bread” is a special rite with fraternal and religious significance. The Gospels tell us that Jesus “broke bread” with His disciples, especially at the Last Supper. On the night before He offered Himself as Sacrifice on the…

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The Breaking of Bread
April 30, 2023

The Breaking of Bread What does “breaking of bread” mean? According to Jewish custom, communal meals began with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God over a loaf of bread, which was then broken and given to the participants. This “breaking of bread” is a special rite with fraternal and religious significance. The Gospels tell us that Jesus “broke bread” with His disciples, especially at the Last Supper. On the night before He offered Himself as Sacrifice on the…

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2023-04-16 Bulletin

What is Faith? For Christians, what is faith? Faith is a personal adherence of man to God; i.e., a person has a relationship of attachment and commitment with God. At the same time, faith is a free assent to everything that God has revealed; i.e., a person approves and agrees freely with everything that God has revealed. (cf. CCC 150) For a Christian, faith means believing in Jesus Christ, the beloved Son of God — the One sent by God…

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2023-04-09 Bulletin

Happy Easter! The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ The story of the Resurrection of Christ is a real human experience; it is not a fairy tale where everyone suddenly lives happily ever after. Beginning with the original disciples of Christ, the story of Christ’s Resurrection lives on in the hearts and minds of Christians even today.   Who were the first doubters of the Resurrection of Christ? The faith of the disciples was drastically put to the test by their…

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Easter Season Liturgical Schedule

Apr 9, 2023 Easter Sunday 10:30 am CHINESE, 2:00 pm ENGLISH Apr 16, 2023 Divine Mercy Sunday 10:30 am CHINESE, 2:00 pm ENGLISH Apr 23, 2023 3rd Sunday of Easter 10:30 am CHINESE, 2:00 pm ENGLISH Apr 30, 2023 4th Sunday of Easter 10:30 am CHINESE, 2:00 pm ENGLISH May 7, 2023 5th Sunday of Easter 10:30 am CHINESE, 2:00 pm ENGLISH May 14, 2023 Feast of Our Lady of China 10:30 am CHINESE May 14, 2023 6th Sunday of…

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