The Body and Blood of Christ

Do we really believe that the bread and wine offered during Mass becomes the Body and Blood of Christ?

  1. The Eucharist carries on the tradition of Passover, since the Last Supper took place in the context of Israel’s liberation from slavery. However, it inaugurates a new covenant which fulfills the various covenants throughout Israel’s history.
  2. The Eucharist is a memorial of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, as well as a remembrance of God’s action in salvation history.
  3. The Eucharist is a sacrifice for sins; Jesus said at the Last Supper:
  4. “This is my body which is given for you.” (Luke 22:19)
  5. “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.” (Mark 14:24).
  6. The Eucharist is the visible sign of the continuing presence of God and the risen Christ among us.
  7. The Eucharist is a sign of hope for the awaited fulfillment of the kingdom of God.
  8. The Eucharist is a thanksgiving in which we proclaim what God has done throughout salvation history.
  9. The Eucharist is a banquet for multitudes.

Therefore, the Eucharist must be an integral part of our ongoing Christian life.

Our Christian life is rooted in our personal relationship with the risen Christ, it expresses itself in our love of God and others, it promotes peace and unity with others, and it is open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. By inspiring and nourishing these dispositions, the Eucharist enables us to carry on our mission to spread the Gospel. Thus, the Eucharist is also the sacrament of ongoing Christian life.

Once again, we wish to thank the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia for approving two grants to our church. The Holy Name of Jesus Chinese Catholic Mission has been awarded a general grant of $7,500 to help pay for the cost of replacing our two 20-ton HVAC units. In addition, we have also been awarded a parish enrichment grant of $1,000 to begin an English Language program in our church. Thank you to the CFNGA!

Beginning next month, English classes will be offered in our church. Classes will be held on Sundays from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Classes are free, but participants are asked to pay for the books and materials. The books, CDs and class materials cost around $35 per student and are yours to keep. Please sign up with Xiu Hong Chen so that we can determine how many books we need to order.

Vacation Bible School has been moved to July 6 from 10am to 3pm. This is a great opportunity for our children to continue to learn about their faith, even when its summer break. Bring your kids and grandkids for bible stories, songs, games and crafts! Please register now with Lilian and Long Che.

Our Fourth of July BBQ will be held this year at Pickneyville Park (Soccer Complex), 4707 S. Old Peachtree Road, Norcross 30071. Come and join us from 10am to 1pm. Please register with Agnes or Anna.