
2023-03-12 Bulletin

Step by Step in Faith A little background on John 4: Samaria was a region located between Judea in the south and Galilee in the north. In Jesus’ time, Samaria was joined to Judea under Roman rule. Travelers from Judea to Galilee and vice-versa had to pass through Samaria; otherwise, they had to make a detour through the Transjordan (region east of the Jordan River). Some Jews preferred to take the detour because of the hostility between Jews and Samaritans;…

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Passiontide Passiontide refers to the last two weeks of Lent; it begins on Passion Sunday until the Easter Vigil. During Passiontide, the practice of covering crosses and other sacred images in the church may be observed. Crosses are covered until the end of the celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday. Other sacred images remain covered until the beginning of the Easter Vigil. The practice of covering crosses and sacred images is based on the Gospel reading on Passion…

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Prayer, fasting, almsgiving

St. Peter Chrysologus homily (406-450 AD) There are three things, my brethren, by which faith stands firm, devotion remains constant, and virtue endures. They are prayer, fasting and mercy. Prayer knocks at the door, fasting obtains, mercy receives. Prayer, mercy and fasting: these three are one, and they give life to each other. Fasting is the soul of prayer, mercy is the lifeblood of fasting. Let no one try to separate them; they cannot be separated. If you have only…

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Atlanta’s new Bishop
January 23, 2023

Pope Francis has named Fr. John Nhan Tran Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Bishop-designate Tran, a native of Vietnam, will come to Atlanta from New Orleans, where he currently serves as pastor of Mary, Queen of Peace in Mandeville, Louisiana. The ordination will take place at St. Peter Chanel Chanel Catholic Church (11330 Woodstock Rd, Roswell, GA 30075) on Monday, January 23, 2023 at 2:00pm.

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Vocation Awareness Week

National Vocation Awareness Week, celebrated November 6-12, 2022 is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life through prayer and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations.  National Vocation Awareness Week began in 1976 when the U. S. bishops designated the 28th Sunday of the year for its observance. Beginning in 2014, National Vocation…

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2022-01-09 Bulletin

Baptized with the Holy Spirit and Fire In the Gospels, John said to the people: I baptize you with water, but one mightier than I is coming… He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire (cf. Luke 3:16). What does it mean that Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire? Jesus will baptize through the Holy Spirit with a spiritual fire that purifies, justifies, and sanctifies (CCC 1227); it is a baptism which also illumines,…

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Easter Egg Hunt and Potluck

April 9 is Easter Sunday. On this greatest feast day of the Church, we share our joy with our parish family with an Easter pot-luck after the 10:30am Mass. There will be Easter cake for everyone. Also bring your children and grandchildren for our annual Easter Egg Hunt after Mass.

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