
2022 Contribution Statements

The year-end contribution statements for calendar year 2022 are now available. Contribution statements not picked up by Sunday, January 29, will be mailed to your address on file. If you have not received your contribution statement by the end of February, please call the parish office at 678-691-3261 or email us at Thank you for all your support!    

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Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday; it has been observed by many Christians as a day to examine one’s sins, as well as to decide what kind of sacrifice one would offer during Lent. Shrove Tuesday is observed by Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans and Methodists. For Catholics, it is an ideal time to go to confession.   Shrove Tuesday is also known as Fat Tuesday; since it is the last day before the beginning of Lent, it is also…

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Septuagesima Septuagesima has traditionally been the period of time which is observed before the start of Lent; hence it is called pre-Lent. It begins on Septuagesima Sunday, which is three Sundays before the First Sunday in Lent and ends on Ash Wednesday. This year, Septuagesima begins on February 5, 2023. In the traditional Latin calendar, the season of Septuagesima comprises the Sundays of Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima. Septuagesima is an appropriate time to tone down our bodily appetites, as well…

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Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross are a 14-step Catholic devotion that commemorates the path of suffering which Jesus Christ took starting with His condemnation to death until He was laid in the tomb. These 14 stations are commonly used as a mini pilgrimage in which we recall and meditate on a specific event in the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Come and join us in this grace-filled devotion!  Stations of the Cross in Chinese will be held…

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Mass for the Holy Name of Jesus
January 15, 2023

The Church reveals to us the wonders of the Incarnate Word by singing the glories of His Holy Name. The name Jesus means Savior. The Catholic Church celebrates the optional memorial of the Most Holy Name of Jesus on January 3rd. In addition, the month of January has traditionally been dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus. The feast day is intended to impress on Christians the dignity of the Holy Name of Jesus. Since the Holy Name of Jesus…

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First Sunday Faith Workshop

Faith Workshop As part of our spiritual enrichment program, we will be hosting a 30-minue faith workshop on the First Sunday of each month. The workshop begins immediately after the 10:30 am Mass in Chinese. Each Sunday’s theme varies. All are invited to attend.

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CFNGA Community Grant

We thank the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia (CFNGA) for the Fall 2022 Catholic Community Grant award of $3,000 for the purpose of promoting the National Eucharistic Revival movement in our parish through prayer and devotion to the Holy Eucharist. The National Eucharistic Revival movement was launched this year and it is very important to our parish. It will spearhead the spiritual enrichment endeavors in our parish community. As the slogan states: The world is hurting. We all need healing,…

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Stop Human Trafficking

Stop Human Trafficking January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month Human trafficking includes both forced labor and sex trafficking. It not only represents a threat to international peace and security but also undermines the rule of law, robs millions of their dignity and freedom, enriches transnational criminals and terrorists, and threatens public safety and national security everywhere. At present, there are estimated to be more than 27.6 million people — adults and children — subjected to human trafficking around the…

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