Bill Hao

Saints of the Month

What are saints and why pray to saints?   Saints are persons who have died and have gone to heaven. They lived a life of heroic virtue because of their love for Jesus Christ. The saints are the good and faithful servants of the Lord (cf. Matthew 25:21), they are the blessed ones who have inherited the kingdom (cf. Matthew 25:34). Christians need to be reminded of the saints because although saints are human persons like us, they inspire us to…

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Come and join us this Christmas!

Come and join us this Christmas! Christmas Eve, December 24, Tuesday Midnight Mass starts at 11:30PM (Mass in Chinese) Christmas Day, December 25, Wednesday Mass of Christmas Day (Mass in Chinese) and Sunday School Christmas Pageant starts at 10:30AM Potluck and Santa Claus starts after Mass Mass in English starts at 2:00PM in the chapel Address: 5395 Light Circle NW, Norcross, GA 30071 Phone: 678-691-3261 email:

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All Saints and All Souls

On November 1st, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation, honoring all the Saints in heaven. Throughout the month of November, the Catholic Church also remembers the faithful departed. Offering Mass and praying for the dead has always been practiced since the early Church. 2Maccabees 12:42-45 (c164 B.C.) gives the earliest account that prayers (v. 42) and sacrifices (v. 43) for the dead are efficacious. There is also ample evidence of the custom of…

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Month of the Rosary

October is the month of the Rosary The Catholic Church designated October as the month of the Rosary. The origin of this observance goes back to October 7, 1571, when the Catholic League* (aka Holy League) repelled the invasion of the Ottoman Empire. Below is a more detailed account of what happened: By the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire (aka Turkish Empire) had controlled much of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa. The Ottomans were on a warpath to…

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Solemnity of All Saints

Friday, November 1, 2025, is the Solemnity of All Saints, it is a holy day of obligation. This special feast day is dedicated to all the saints of the Church; i.e., all those who have attained heaven. Mass in English will be at 12:00 noon.

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The Hope that Advent Brings

We are a hopeful people. We always hope for something to look forward to or something to live for. Some people hope for success, while some hope for security; some hope for the best for their children, while some hope for peace. Christians hope for the same things that most people hope for, but Christian hope is quite different because it has been confirmed and strengthened by faith in Jesus Christ; the Son of God who was born of a…

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Respect Life Month

In October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, a time for Catholics across the country to reflect on and bear witness to human dignity. End of Life Issues Some of our more challenging decisions in life come when a loved one is nearing death, and we are compelled to pay attention to end of life issues while respecting the dignity of the human person. Many Catholics are not clear on the position of the Church…

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Commemoration of the Faithful Departed

Saturday, November 2 is All Souls Day, aka Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. Fr. Bill will offer Mass in Chinese at 10:00am. Please write the names of your deceased loved ones on a special All Souls Day card and drop it in the foyer. The Mass will be offered for all the deceased whose names are in the basket. How You Can Help the Holy Souls in Purgatory There’s only one door out of purgatory for the Holy Souls, and…

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Meaning of Advent Candles

The candle of the First Sunday of Advent is called the Prophet’s Candle, which symbolizes HOPE. The prophet Isaiah foretold the birth of Christ the Lord: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14) This prophecy gave hope to a people who have been longing for a Messiah. For Christians, this prophecy has been fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who came into…

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