Patience for the harvest

The parable of the wheat and the weeds tells us that in the world, those who do evil exist side by side with those who are good. If we think of the landowner as God and the harvest time as the end of the world, then we can see clearly that God intends to separate the bad from the good in the world at the final judgment. But why does God wait until then?

The parable shows us how precious the wheat is. The landowner refuses to lose even the smallest amount of wheat in exchange for getting rid of the weeds. Therefore, the landowner orders his workers not to pull the weeds until harvest time. Like the parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin, this is a familiar theme: in God’s plan, nothing good is wasted and that which is good is not expendable. This is very important to remember whenever we become impatient with the bad things that are going on in our lives. Often, we give more attention to the persistence of evil rather than on the slow emergence of good.

God alone can judge the sinner. When we get impatient with God because of the bad things people do in the world, we must remind ourselves that each and every soul is precious, and that through God’s infinite love and mercy, there is always the possibility of repentance and conversion. In the Gospels, there is a strong imperative to go to extraordinary lengths to reconcile the sinner back to God. In the meantime, we can learn much by experiencing the coexistence of both good and evil in the world.

As a human community, we can benefit more from persevering through bad times which makes us grow in virtue, rather than making rash judgments and actions which bring instant results at the expense of losing what may end up becoming good.

Updates on Archdiocesan policies:

  1. Regarding taking Holy Communion to the homebound: Priests, deacons and lay ministers should not take Holy Communion to homebound or those in care facilities — including the non-COVID-19-infected– at this time in order to protect both populations from potential infection.
  2. When faith formation and youth gatherings can resume, parishes need to add a waiver specific to COVID-19.

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