The Holy Trinity

There are many ways in which people have come to know God: the God whom we have come to know as the origin of all that is, we call God the Father; the God whom we have come to know as the Word made flesh, we call God the Son; the God whom we have come to know as the divine presence in the world, we call God the Holy Spirit. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three different persons but they are all the One God.

The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is the means through which the Church articulates the three-fold way in which God has revealed Himself in human history; it can be seen as very abstract and complex, but ultimately, it is very practical. Between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit there is unity and self-giving love. Therefore, we who are made in the image of God are called to be united in love. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity helps to remind us who we really are, that we are the beloved people of God who are called to love God and others.

As we contemplate the Trinity as three divine persons loving each other eternally, unconditionally and unselfishly, let us not forget that the Holy Trinity is indeed God’s family; a family in which we have been called to be a part of. If you are here today, it is because God the Father has called you into being, God the Son, Jesus Christ, has called you to follow Him, and God the Holy Spirit has inspired your heart to accept God’s calling. We are here today to celebrate, to believe and to serve.


Thank you Catholic Foundation of North Georgia (CFNGA)

Our Church community would like to thank Catholic Foundation of North Georgia (CFNGA) for funding both of our grant applications. The Holy Name of Jesus Chinese Catholic Mission received a General Grant of $2,500 to partially pay for the replacement of the deteriorated concrete flumes and surrounding areas in the parking lot. We also received a Parish Enrichment Grant of $1,000 for a new community outreach program to help non-English speakers in document translation and assistance in completing application forms for driver licenses, US Citizenship, court cases, etc. In addition, in April 2020, we received a designated grant of $1,000 from the Catherine Fitzgerald Mission Fund at the CFNGA to be specifically used for Principal Payment of our existing loan. CFNGA has helped fund our church projects many times in the past. Thank you, CFNGA!

We need your help to clear out the bushes and small trees from the parking lot. We can organize the work while maintaining social distancing. We will plan to do this on June 16 after the 10:30 am Mass. Bring work gloves, cutting tools, etc.

Sign up now for Mass intentions for June 2020.

Please check the available dates and use the digital form in our church website.