The faithful and prudent steward

In the Gospel of Luke (12:32-34), Jesus tells His disciples not to seek security in the things of this world, but in the treasures of heaven. Hence, Jesus exhorts them to be steadfast in faith, and He tells them a parable to illustrate what He means: A servant was entrusted with his master’s household, but he began to eat, drink and get drunk, and he beat the other servants. When the master returns unexpectedly, he will severely punish that unfaithful servant. On the contrary, a faithful servant would be vigilant in doing the master’s will. When the master returns, the faithful servant would be blessed.

As we await the second coming of Jesus Christ, we may find ourselves waning in faith and begin acting like the unfaithful servant. Thoughts of unfulfilled promises can drag down our faith. Time and again, we need to be energized in faith. It behooves us to realize that faith is not a dead word, but a lived experience. In those moments when every reasonable hope seems to wither, we must remember that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1) – the patriarchs, the martyrs, the holy men and women, and all the faithful servants whom God has so abundantly blessed.

Jesus said: “Where your treasure is, there also will your heart be (Luke 12:34).” That “heart” is the center of a person’s being which determines what is most important for a person. Let us therefore examine our own hearts and determine which treasure we hold dearer – those of this earth or those of heaven. Hopefully, we will choose treasures that will not only last beyond this lifetime, but will give us peace of mind and heart, again and again, in this lifetime.

In the past several months, Aaron and Richie Li have been preparing for their First Communion by coming to church for religious instruction with Fr. Bill every Monday afternoon. We have wonderful news for you today. After completing their preparation, they will receive their First Communion at Mass this morning. May God continue to bless Aaron, Richie and their parents, Li Xian Zhong and Chen Guo Ping. Let us keep them in our prayers.

We need volunteers to sign up for security watch. Security watch volunteers keep an eye on the front door and parking lot for suspicious persons. When there is suspicious activity, volunteers will immediately lock the front door and warn people inside the church. Right now, Simon Ling has security watch during the morning Mass from 10am to 12pm. We need volunteers for 12pm to 1pm, 1pm to 2pm and 2pm to 3pm. Help keep our church safe. Please sign up with Arthur Tsai.

Lectors and Ministers of Holy Communion Training today at 12:30 pm

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is on Thursday, August 15. Since it is a holy day of obligation, a special Mass in Chinese will be celebrated at 12pm.