5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Prayers of the Faithful

Celebrant: Brothers and sisters, in today’s Gospel, Peter was docile and obedient to Jesus’ command to cast his nets again. As a result, Jesus performed a miracle and his incredible journey of faith began. In faith, let us offer these prayers to the Lord:          

L. We pray for our parishioners, may we be receptive to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit wherever we may be, and never fail to produce the fruits of His grace. We pray to the Lord.

L. We pray for all those who are in faith formation in our parish, both children and adults, especially our catechumens, that the Lord may give them the wisdom and knowledge to diligently pursue their friendship with Christ in joy, harmony and peace. We pray to the Lord. 

L: We pray for our mission of evangelization, may we do our part in bringing new members to the Church and helping the Body of Christ grow in faith and charity. We pray to the Lord. 

L: This Mass is being offered for the family of Rose & John Bechtold.  May the Lord grant them peace, happiness and good health. We pray to the Lord.    

L: We pray for those whose names are in our Prayer Box, especially Liu Guifang, Lydia Chen, Lu Shumi, David Wang, Chen Jianxin, Liang Chenjing, Pan Bohao and Xu Taicheng. We pray to the Lord. 

L: We pray for the repose of the soul of Robert Berry’s mother, Elizabeth Liles Berry. May the Lord grant her eternal rest. We pray to the Lord. 

L: We pray for the souls in Purgatory, may our prayers aid them in their purification, that they may sooner enter into the joys of heaven. We pray to the Lord.  

L: We pray for your personal intentions. May the Lord hear the prayers in our hearts and bring us closer to Him. We pray to the Lord.

Celebrant: Lord our God, grant us the grace to grow in the virtues of humility, docility and obedience, thereby reaping abundantly the fruits of your Spirit in this life and enter into the eternal joys in heaven. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.