Weekly Prayers
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayers of the Faithful Celebrant: Brothers and sisters, in today’s Gospel, Peter was docile and obedient to Jesus’ command to cast his nets again. As a result, Jesus performed a miracle and his incredible journey of faith began. In faith, let us offer these prayers to the Lord: L. We pray for our parishioners, may we be receptive to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit wherever we may be, and never fail to produce…
Weekly Reflection
The Virtue of Docility
Are there times when you do not feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life? Perhaps it could be that your internal disposition is not as welcoming to the Holy Spirit as it should be. There are three important dispositions that welcome the Holy Spirit: humility, docility and obedience. It has been said that the Holy Spirit rushes to a humble heart: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6) Some people think that…