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Weekly Prayers

2nd Sunday of Lent Prayers of the Faithful Celebrant: Brothers and sisters, in today’s Gospel, Jesus was transfigured not only to reveal His glory to His selected disciples, but to confirm that He is the one who will fulfill the Law and the prophets. In faith, let us offer these prayers to the Lord:           L. We pray for our parishioners, that we may turn to Jesus as the only Way to the Father at every moment in our lives.…

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Weekly Reflection
The Meaning of the Transfiguration

The disciples of Jesus had been with Him for some time as He went throughout Galilee preaching. All this time, the disciples saw the human nature of Christ and His power to heal people of their diseases, to drive out demons and to perform miracles. However, it was in His Transfiguration that Jesus revealed His glory to three of His disciples. Luke’s Gospel tells us that Jesus appeared in glory as He was conversing with Moses and Elijah about His…

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