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Weekly Reflection
The Acts of Peter

A lot of things have been recorded in the Gospels about Peter, especially his interactions with Jesus. If we take a closer look at four particular ones, we can trace his faith journey; we will discover how his faith journey is so similar to the faith journey of most believers. Peter’s journey of faith began with his call – Peter was weary trying to catch fish all night. And yet, at Jesus’ command, Peter said in reply, “Master, we have…

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Weekly Prayers

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayers of the Faithful Celebrant: Brothers and sisters, in today’s Gospel, Simon Peter professed his faith in our Savior Jesus Christ as the Messiah, his faith journey went through ups and downs in the Gospel, which is something we can all relate to in our own faith journey. In faith, let us offer these prayers to the Lord:           L. We pray for our parishioners. May the faith journey of each parishioner be guided by…

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