CFNG_logo劉神父欣悦的報導在上個月,耶穌聖名中華天主堂收到了由北喬州天主教基金會(Catholic Foundation of North Georgia) 的 Catherine Fitzgerald Mission Fund 捐款五千元。這項金額是捐款者指定做為本天主堂一般用途。北喬州天主教基金會于 1922 年創立專為輔助亞特蘭大教區內的教會及學校;濟金來自特別捐款 endowment 的利息。我們很感激這份捐款也繼續為本堂捐贈者及惠顧者們祈禱。

Father Bill is pleased to announce that last month, the Holy Name of Jesus Chinese Catholic Mission has received a contribution of $5,000 from the Catherine Fitzgerald Mission Fund of the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia. This amount has been designated by the donor for the mission’s general use. The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia was established in 1992 to support the ministries and schools of the Archdiocese of Atlanta with grants from the earnings of endowment funds. We are thankful for this gift as we continue to pray for our donors and benefactors.