Decree of Establishment耶穌聖名中華天主堂是在 2015 年十一月十五日由亞特蘭大天主教區總主教威爾頓 格雷戈里 ( Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory ) 為了提供給亞特蘭大華人天主教教友一個可以茁壯成長為一個團體而成立的。這個教令是在亞特蘭大華人天主教聯會 (ACCA) 在 Dunwoody 天主教儲聖堂慶祝成立廿五周年年慶中由總主教 威爾頓 格雷戈里所宣佈的。

The Holy Name of Jesus Chinese Catholic Mission was established in November 15, 2015 by the Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory, the Archbishop of Atlanta, in order to provide a home wherein the Chinese Catholics of Atlanta can thrive as a community. The decree of establishment was announced by Archbishop Gregory during the 25th Anniversary Mass of the Atlanta Chinese Catholic Association at All Saints Catholic Church in Dunwoody.