The Man Born Blind

The story of the man born blind in John’s Gospel is more than just a miracle story in which Jesus cured the physical blindness of a man. More importantly, it helps us to be more aware of our own spiritual blindness – our inability to see our own sins. Jesus said, “I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see might see, and those who do see might become blind.”

The Pharisees rejected the authenticity of the miracle because it occurred on the Sabbath. They said, “Surely good cannot come from that.” They also suspected that the man born blind was never really blind. Even the testimony of the blind man’s parents cannot convince them. Therefore, the Pharisees tried to force the man to renounce Jesus. However, the man would not do what the Pharisees wanted him to do. They ridiculed him and said, “You are steeped in sin from your birth, and you are giving us lectures?” Then they sent him away. After Jesus found him, the man professed his faith in Christ and Jesus uttered the paradox that the sightless see, and those who think they see, dwell in the darkness of sin.

The Greek philosopher Plato once told a story called “The Myth of the Cave.” It is about several men chained in a dark cave all through their life. These captives can see nothing but flickering images on a wall—shadows, appearances, illusions—which they took for reality. One day, a prisoner was lucky enough to escape from the chains and crawl outside into the sunlight. He returns to the cave and tells the other captives of the things that he saw outside. However, the other prisoners thought he was crazy. They ridiculed him and denied what he saw.

Clearly there are similarities between both stories. The man born blind and the freed slave were both given the gift of sight. Both were rejected by those who think that they were wiser and they would not pay attention to the grace being demonstrated in front of them. This is what is meant when Jesus said, “I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see might see, and those who do see might become blind.” On the other hand, both stories describe man’s assent to the truth. In the story of the man born blind, the blind man assented to the Truth by believing in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. In this journey to the Truth, we will find freedom, but we will also encounter opposition from others who wish to remain in shadows and images.

Meeting reminders for next Sunday, April 7, 2019:

Pastoral Council 12:30 pm, Finance Council 1:30 pm.

If you have blessed palms at home from last year, please bring them to the church. The palm branches will be burned and used for next year’s Ash Wednesday.

On Saturday, April 6, 2019 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, there will be a facilitator Training-Retreat for the “LORD TEACH ME TO PRAY” Ignatian prayer series at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Lilburn. There is no charge for the retreat or materials. If you are interested to attend, please let Fr. Bill know so that members of our church can attend together as a group.

2019 Summer Camp during Labor Day weekend will be held at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. Please contact Antonia Fu to register.